Friday, July 3, 2020

Your Twitter Bio

Your Twitter Bio You may not be searching for a job today but most organizations are taking drastic measures to weather the economic storm including massive layoffs, downsizing and mergers. It means that you may be in career transitionsooner than you think. So what does all of this have to do with your Twitter bio? Your Twitter bio is one of many online resources available to you at no charge thatallows you to create your presence.An online presence is a must today in your job search with as many as 90% ofrecruiters performingonline searches to find and verify potential candidates.Key to creating your presence or personal brandis clarity, consistency and professionalism.Who are you? What are you looking for? What is your area of expertise? The next step is toconnect withpeople whomay be able to help you in your search. Follow companies, recruiters, job sites and find valuablelinks, tips andadvice. Send messages, receive messages and you just might receive that one tweet that will lead you to your next potential job opportunity!

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